Are boards and CISOs finally aligning? Not in Healthcare.
Great findings from the Proofpoint 2023 Survey! It’s worrying that Healthcare boards and CISOs aren’t talking enough, especially with rising cyber threats. 🏥🛡️

In general, the collaboration between CISOs and board members has significantly improved, providing optimism that views on cybersecurity in the boardroom are evolving. It’s no longer seen merely as a compliance requirement but as a strategic asset that can influence business direction. This enhanced partnership seems to be elevating the board’s confidence in cybersecurity matters. Even amid worries about potential cyber threats and readiness gaps, board members express a sense of assurance and command over their security stance.
The fact that healthcare boards are lagging in this area is a wake-up call for the industry. Regular executive sessions between the board and the CISO should be considered not just a “leading practice” but a necessity. It’s high time for healthcare boards to prioritize cybersecurity in their governance models. 🌐🔒

It’s crucial for boards to understand that cybersecurity is not just an IT issue but a strategic risk that can have significant implications on operations, clients, compliance, and public trust. The CISO’s role is pivotal in navigating these complexities, and their insights should be a regular feature in board discussions.
A highlight in the report is that of all countries responding, the US is most likely to have board members and CISOs agree that they see eye-to-eye with each other. Also, 67% say that the CISO adequately supports them. However, more CISOs feel their organization is at risk of a material attack in the next 12 months than boards do.

#CISO #HealthcareCybersecurity #BoardGovernance #QTE #CORPGOV
Paul Bergman runs a business strategy and cybersecurity consulting company in San Diego. He writes on cybersecurity and board management for both corporate and nonprofit boards.
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